General terminology databases
- IATE (InteraActive Terminology for Europe) terminology database for the collection, dissemination and shared management of terminology between various bodies of the European Union (multilingual)
- UNTERM United Nations terminology database (multilingual)
- TERMIUM Plus The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank (EN/FR)
Dictionary directories
- Liens utiles – Dictionnaires et glossaires
- Terminology Forum
- Your Dictionary
- The New York Public Library
- Oxford Reference Online Compendium of Oxford reference material, including dictionaries and thesaurus
- WordReference Collection of Collins dictionaries online
- FreeDictionary (EN)
English and French reference works
- Le Trésor de la langue française
- Le dictionnaire de l'Académie française
- Locutio Latin expressions (FR)
- Poésie française Compilation of French poems
- Quote DB Famous quotes listed by author (EN)
- English interinstitutional style guide Published by the European Union (multilingual)
- Oxford English Dictionary
- Translationum List of books translated in the world (published by UNESCO)
- Dictionary of abbreviations in English
- Expressio Explanations of French sayings
German dictionaries
Economics and finance
- IMF International Monetary Fund glossary (multilingual)
- WTOTERM Terminology database of the World Trade Organization (EN/FR/ES)
- Business English glossary (EN/FR)
- Edubourse Stock exchange glossary (FR)
- INSEE French official job classifications (EN/FR)
- ABCnetMarketing marketing glossary (FR)
- OECD Accounting glossary (EN)
- Campbell Harvey Glossary of financial terms (EN)
- Dicofr French dictionary of informatics and the internet (FR)
- Dictionnaire de l'Internaute IBM Canada internet dictionary (EN/FR)
- Comment ça marche Computing for the layman (FR)
- Webopedia Online tech dictionary (EN)
- JDN Journal du Net – an encyclopaedia of e-Business (EN/FR)
- IT, email, internet and computer terms (EN/DE)
- Juripole Compilation of French case law, legal articles and doctrines
- EUR-Lex Portal for European Union law (multilingual)
- ISO online catalogue
- Techniques de l'ingénieur (EN/FR)
- English for Techies Online database for learning technical English and translating specialist documents (EN)
- The Particle Detector Brief Book (EN)
- Astronomy Thesaurus (multilingual)
- SLACspeak Glossary of SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) terms (EN)
- The Particle Adventure by the Particle Data Group of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (EN)
- Hyperphysics Physics glossary (EN)
- Le dictionnaire du satellite (FR)
- French Property Glossary of French housing and building terms (FR/EN)
- Clefs CEA Technical and scientific journal published by the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) (FR/EN)
- Electropedia International Electrotechnical Vocabulary online database (EN/FR)
- TERMITE Terminology database of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) (multilingual)
- ANFR Website of the French National Frequency Agency (FR/EN/ES)